Workers hate office noise - but is using headphones to shut out office noise the solution? - ABC Australia, July 2023
Feeling flat now you’re #BackToWork? A post-holiday slump is normal, but these clues signal it’s time for a new job - The Conversation, January 2023
Feeling socially anxious about returning to the office? You're not alone. — The Conversation, March 2022
Open-plan office noise increases stress and worsens mood: We've measured the effects — The Conversation, July 2021
Here is the final nail in the coffin of open-plan offices — Fast Company, July 2018
The Future of Work
Four-day or four-hour work week? Rethinking what we really want from our jobs - Smart Company, August 2023
From Tokyo to New York: What the future cities of work look like - Smart Company, July 2023
‘Disastrous experiment’ Real reason behind hated return to work push - Op-Ed, News.com.au, June 2023
Digital nomad visas: What you should know before you go - The Conversation, December 2022
Four-day week for full pay is the answer for burnt-out staff - Op-Ed, The Daily Telegraph & News.com.au, October 2022
Tragic EY death shows we must do more to improve work culture - Op-Ed, News.com.au, September 2022
Working from home: 7 tips to boost your wellbeing and productivity - World Economic Forum, July 2022
Google agrees there is no going back to the old office life — The Conversation, March 2022
How many days a week in the office are enough? You shouldn’t need to ask. — The Conversation, October 2021
We're witnessing a working-from-home revolution, but is Australia ready? — Smart Company, March 2020
In the workplace of the future, these are the skills employers want — World Economic Forum, March 2017
How our Work Environments Affect Us
The Conversation, October 2023
5 Reasons why Zoom meetings are so exhausting — The Conversation, May 2020
The Conversation, July 2020
The case for finally cleaning your desk — Harvard Business Review, March 2019
'Marie Kondo Tidying Up' - This is what clutter does to your brain and body — Newsweek, January 2019
Our workplaces are filthy and it's costing us all — The Conversation, August 2018
How your workplace affects your productivity — World Economic Forum, April 2015